Maeng Da Kratom capsules – White Vein


Easily and quickly take a dose of high-quality white vein maeng da kratom with these (30) capsules. Made with 100% organic Indonesian white Maeng Da Kratom.


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Maeng Da White Kratom capsules

Fan of kratom but hate that bitter taste? With these white Vein Maeng Da kratom capsules you can easily take a dose of high-quality kratom without tasting the characteristic bitter taste.

Kratom strains

The different types of (strains) kratom can be divided into roughly 3 colors. The red (red vein), white (white vein) and green (green vein) kratom. This is because the stem and grain can differ in color. You can only see this if you look closely at the sheet. It also has to do with the age, location and living conditions of the kratom tree. When the kratom is ground, the stem and grain are removed first.

The different kratom strains each contain their own alkaloids, which provide the specific properties of that strain. Depending on how you want to use kratom, you can therefore choose a specific color.

White Kratom

The white variant of kratom has the most stimulating effect. where the red one is for relaxation and the green kind is in between. In general, the red strain is the most sedating and the white kratom is more stimulating. It is also possible to mix some of the white strain with the green or red kratom.

Recommended dosage

  • Light dose: 3 to 5 capsules
  • Average dosage : 5 to 10 capsules
  • High dose : 10 to 15 capsules

Mitragyna speciosa leaf


  • 30 capsules
  • 500mg per capsule


  • Mitragyna speciosa leaf

View examples of previous awards here our entire range of Kratom.


Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Do not use in combination with medication. Do not use while operating a vehicle or machine. If in doubt, consult your doctor. Do not use for longer than 2 consecutive days to avoid habituation.


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