Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix rapé

(1 customer review)


Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix rapé

Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix Rapé is the rapé for a spiritual cleansing. This powerful rapé contains a beautiful spice mix (Ervas) that is composed by the Kaxinawa.

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Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix Rapé

Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix is ​​THE rapé for a spiritual cleansing. The Ervas or spice mix is ​​a Kaxinawa mix of special herbs with, among other things, conating. This herb is good for headaches. The rest of the mix does not want to reveal this strain. Rapé also means “dust of the ancients”. It has been used by various indigenous tribes, including the Matses and the Huni Kuin Indians (kaxinawás) for thousands of years.

Rapé (pronounced Ha-Pee) is ideal for ceremonies such as Ayahuasca or other jungle medicines. It can also be used in daily life, always with the right intention.

What do you need to know when taking Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix Rapé want to order

Rapé is used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon region for relaxation and ritual as a shamanic "medicine." The rapé helps them to tune in to the higher self again, and to connect with the holy spirit. This special Rapé blend can be ordered now.

Rapé enhances the effect of Ayahuasca. It opens your third eye and is also regularly used in the Ayahuasca ceremony. In other rituals of the Katukina tribe becomes rapé sometimes combined. For example with the kambo ritual and the use of Sananga drops.

Although the herbs are per rapé differences, the main ingredient is always powdered tobacco leaf of the Nicotiana Rustica. This plant is called Mapacho by the indigenous people. Loosely translated, this means 'master plant'. Mapacho contains a very high content of Nicotine which, among other things, has a stimulating effect. The making of rapé is labor-intensive because the powder is also sieved in addition to grinding the leaves.

Unlike cigarettes rapé no chemical additives which makes it much less stressful for your body. It is also much less addictive. Becomes traditional rapé used in combination with a kuripe pipe around the rapé to blow your nose.

rapé buy
Photos: Dominic Milton Trott - Under (CC BY 4.0)

Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix Rapé securities

To the effects and operation of Rapé is assigned everything. Research from various sources indicate that there are a number of general characteristics of it rapé to be. We also subscribe to this and will explain it below for you. But what the effect of rapé you can experience the best yourself. Underestimate the effect and power of rapé certainly not, it has been used medicinally for centuries.

Six special effects of Rapé in a row:

  1. Rapé ensures that you are properly grounded. Or to put it in other words that you are well placed in your own energy. It gives you more focus without the consciousness being narrowed. That is why it helps rapé you too when making a journey. Because rapé will help you reach a higher state of consciousness faster.
  2. Clean your body and mind with Rapé. This would purify your energetic field and chakras.
  3. Balance the acidity in your body because Rapé has an alkalizing effect.
  4. Let Rapé help your body to balance your hormones (the endocrine system). This is comparable to the operation of maca.
  5. Fight infections with Rapé.
  6. Improve the functioning of your pineal gland because rapé counteracts the calcification of this.

Warning when ordering Rapé

Rapé contains tobacco, and therefore also nicotine. Combine rapé not with other drugs or medication, and certainly not with MAO inhibitors. In addition, you must during your pregnancy or while breastfeeding Rapé do not order and use. Finally you shouldn't have any rapé use if you have to drive or operate heavy machinery.

1 rating for Huni Kuin Ervas Herbal Mix rapé

  1. Tim Devon -

    Powerful and intense rapé but full of love, thanks!

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