Golden Rapé Canelo


Golden rapé from Sacred Connection. A gold colored rapé with Caneleiro ash and herbs. Including eucalyptus and mint-like local herbs such as Pixuri.


Golden Rapé Canelo

The Golden rapé from Sacred connection is a gold colored rapé with Caneleiro ash and refreshing herbs. Including eucalyptus and mint-like local herbs such as Pixuri (Licaria puchury-major). These herbs can open the airways and also have a calming effect. They can help to calm your mind and dispel negative thoughts. It is a strong indigenous belief that a healthy body begins with a healthy mind. Although Eucalyptus is not native, it is used to lighten the strong Mapacho scent.


Pixuri is a special herb that is used quite a lot in rapés by tribes from the region. The leaves are used in this blend. It is also called Apuxuri and is related to Nissural and Katsural. The seeds also have a particularly pleasant taste and are therefore used in many dishes. Pixuri contains safrole, which has a stimulating effect. When you make tea from it, it also provides relief from stomach cramps. In the Brazilian spiritual Umbanda movement, Pixuri is attributed with numerous magical powers. For example, when offered, it is said to attract love.

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